08 January 2020

Open letter response

On 29 Dec I wrote an open letter to the GST and Ashley's board of governors, copying in Dominic Raab and various educational authorities. You can read it here.

Yesterday, Alex Tear, Interim Chief Executive of the Good Shepherd Trust responded:

"Dear Mr Wallis

Thank you for your email of 29th December 2019.

Any communication between the Trust and the school community will be via statements to all involved, while the school and LGC will continue to communicate through the usual newsletters and the newly formed Ashley Parent Partnership.

The Trust continues to brief and update the Department of Education on the leadership arrangements at the school so they are fully informed of developments.

Kind regards

Mr Alex Tear"

This is interesting for a number of reasons, not least because the Department of Education is clearly taking an interest in what is going on at the school. It might be useful to ask the Trust under the FOI Act exactly how much interest the DoE is taking and the nature of communication between the two organisations thus far.

There is also an inaccuracy in the above - Mr Tear states: "Any communication between the Trust and the school community will be via statements to all involved, while the school and LGC will continue to communicate through the usual newsletters and the newly formed Ashley Parent Partnership." [my italics]

Someone ought to tell him that the Trust and LGC (via their respective chairs and at least one other governor) are busy picking and choosing which parents they communicate with and how, spinning little behind-the-scenes tales of their own.

It's a shame the GST/LGC have little interest in being held publicly accountable for their actions (or lack of them) over the last twelve months, but I'll keep trying.


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